Images are matrices
Images are matrices of pixels. Image analysis is basically matrices manipulations and analysis.
8-bit greyscale images
: each pixel can take an integer value
Image format
The format in which is saved is highly relevant for image analysis. Two big classes of image classes exist. The loosless
format do not loose information when savng the images. The lossy
format, usually compressed format, will modify the pixels values to reduce the size of the image (and therefore loose informations.
In a perspective of image analysis, lossy format must be avoided at all cost. Using successive lossy compression (or save successively the same image in a lossy format), will cause loss and/or modification of the informtion contained in the image.
Different type of images:
- lossy compression
- loss of informations
- light
- no compression
- NO loss of informations
- heavy
- PNG`
- lossless compression
- NO loss of informations
- light
More info:
Minervini, M. et al. (2015) The significance of image compression in plant phenotyping applications. Funct. Plant Biol. Website. PDF
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